Tuesday, February 07, 2006

F for Frustration!!

My body loves carbs...it loves them so much that without many of them in my body, my brain tried to tell me that fate lies in whether I eat a cookie or not. This is my story of the battle against weakness...
I am currently two days into my "pre-wedding diet", which is a good combination of Atkins and South Beach. I have done the South Beach Diet in the past, and seen wonderful results and have also felt great...AFTER the first two weeks of course. The point of the first few weeks is to completely rid your body of the "bad carbs" and get your metabolism set at a regular pace. While in this phase, though, my body likes to try to trick me by rationalizing how "one cookie won't hurt" or that "surely there aren't alot of carbs in ice cream". As my body frantically tries to remember where I might have hidden those Girl Scout cookies...I remember...I must look FABULOUS on my wedding day. So, a cucumber will have to do for now...

Also, my car just broke down today...inevitably forcing me to start riding my bike to work again...God works in mysterious ways my friends!

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